グローバル専攻所属の3年セルチャン アーリアン君(酒田4中出身)が2023年度第3回実用英語技能検定1級に見事合格を果たしました。セルチャン君はネパール出身で中学二年生の時から日本で勉強をしています。もともと英語は得意ではありましたが、母語はネパール語ですので、本人の並々ならぬ努力があってこそのこの度の英検1級合格となりました。そこで、セルチャン君に『英検1級に合格する秘訣』を聞いてみました。以下、セルチャン君からのコメントです。

First, I reviewed previous test formats to familiarize myself with the test format. By knowing what to expect, I was able to prepare a study plan to focus on areas where I needed improvement. After that, I practiced regularly to improve my language skills. I dedicated myself to engaging with English books, news, and podcasts each day for about 4 hours or more. I also practiced listening to various accents and styles of speech to enhance my listening skills.

Additionally, I worked on expanding my vocabulary and improving my writing skills through dictionaries and essays. Furthermore, I worked with English teachers to help me provide information about my strengths and weaknesses and offer strategies to improve. My main weakness was not having self-confidence, which resulted in my failing to pass the speaking section of the Eiken Grade 1 test. To fix this, I not only had to dedicate myself to speaking English every day but also review myself to change my mindset. Practicing with English teachers helped me provide opportunities for practice and feedback necessary for my improvement.

Moreover, when preparing for the EIken Grade 1 test, it is crucial to focus on not only improving your language skills but also your strategies while taking the test. I also checked my time during practice tests to ensure that I was able to complete each section within a certain time.

Lastly, being confident on the day of the exam is necessary. I made sure to go to sleep early and arrive at the test center early to avoid unnecessary stress. Even after finishing each section, reviewing is important if you have enough time. Overall, the goal is to stay focused and manage your time wisely to complete each section within the time limit.

In conclusion, to pass the Eiken Grade 1 test, I not only dedicated my time to practicing but also to building effective strategies. Familiarizing myself with the test format, practicing regularly, seeking support from English teachers, developing test-taking strategies, and staying calm and confident on exam day are some of the things that helped me increase my chances of success. Which is why, with determination and hard work, you can also achieve your goal of passing the Eiken Grade 1 test. (Aaryan Sherchan)


Get out of your comfort zone, and you can reach for the sky! Good Luck!